Selling A Pest Control Business

Sell Your Pest Control Business

Are you considering selling your pest control business but don’t know where to start? Selling a business can be a complex process, but with the right knowledge and strategy, you can maximize your profits and find the right buyer. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of valuing your assets, reflecting on your revenue, considering what matters to your buyer, and ultimately selling your pest control business.


Pest control is a $17 billion industry in the United States, according to IBIS World. While there is a lot of competition in the space, the industry’s growth potential is strong. If you can grow your pest control business for a few years before selling, you may be able to maximize your profits. However, to do so, you must first understand how to value your assets and revenue and consider what matters to potential buyers.

Valuing Your Assets

The first step in selling your pest control business is valuing your assets. There are two types of assets you might have: tangible and intangible. Tangible assets include things you can touch, such as safety equipment, spraying equipment, vehicles, technology, etc. While pest control businesses may not have as many tangible assets as other contractors, they can still add a sizable chunk to your valuation.

Your intangible assets may be even more valuable. These are things that add to your value but can’t be physically touched, such as your brand recognition, trademarks, and patents. Your reputation and customer base are also important intangible assets that can increase your value.

To balance your assets with your liabilities or debt, you must calculate your business’s net worth. Net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities. You can calculate your net worth by subtracting your liabilities from your assets.

Reflecting on Your Revenue

Your annual profit and revenue should be a big part of your valuation, although they are not the only important metric. It would help if you considered how much of your revenue is recurring revenue through long-term contracts. You should also consider whether your profit margin is comparable to the competition.

There are two concrete ways to estimate overall pest control company value with hard numbers: seller discretionary earnings (SDE) and earnings before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). If you have a small business that you are heavily involved in, SDE is likely the best for you. It’s the net income before subtracting your own salary, which means it includes non-operating expenses. EBITA is usually used for larger businesses and is literally what the name suggests.

Considering What Matters to Your Buyer

The right buyer may pay more depending on the specifics of your business. For example, if you are selling to a larger chain pest control business, then your location and how established you are will matter. Does your buyer care if you have mostly residential or commercial clients? Do they care about your reputation?

Valuing your pest control business is not a matter of putting a price tag on it and then shopping around. There are only going to be so many potential buyers for any pest control business, and each buyer will have their criteria to determine what your business is worth. A synergistic business will also value your business higher. For example, restoration specialists may value your business as it will bring a large client base that may use their other services, not just pest control. In addition, they can better serve their current clients who might need pest control services along with whatever they are currently offering.

How to Sell Your Pest Control Business

Once you’ve valuated your assets and revenue and considered what matters to your buyer, it’s time to start selling your pest control business. As you would sell anything, be sure you consider multiple buyers. Reach out to the big name pest control businesses, and even medium-sized businesses that might be looking to make an acquisition. Also, consider synergistic local businesses, especially those that you already have a good relationship with.

There are several online marketplaces where you can buy and sell a pest control business, and it’s worth going through them. is one of the larger ones, regularly listing companies in the upper six digits. It’s also worth going through the listings of other owners who are trying to sell their businesses, so you can get a better feel for what selling points they’re using.

Steps to Sell Your Pest Control Business

To maximize your profits and find the right buyer, follow these steps when selling your pest control business:

Step 1: Prepare Your Business for Sale

Before you put your pest control business on the market, you must prepare it for sale. This includes organizing your financial records, cleaning up your operations, and developing a marketing plan. You should also prepare a comprehensive business profile that details your business’s history, operations, assets, and financial performance.

Step 2: Determine Your Asking Price

To determine your asking price, you’ll need to have a clear understanding of your business’s value. You can do this by valuating your assets and revenue and considering what matters to your buyer. You should also research the market to see what other pest control businesses are selling for in your area.

Step 3: Develop a Marketing Plan

To find the right buyer, you’ll need to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that targets potential buyers. This may include listing your business on online marketplaces, reaching out to potential buyers directly, and advertising your business in industry publications.

Step 4: Screen Potential Buyers

Once you start receiving inquiries from potential buyers, you’ll need to screen them to ensure they’re a good fit for your business. You’ll want to look for buyers who have experience in the industry, are financially stable, and have a solid business plan.

Step 5: Negotiate the Deal

Once you’ve found a potential buyer who meets your criteria, it’s time to negotiate the deal. This may involve discussing the terms of the sale, including the price, payment terms, and any contingencies. You’ll need to work with your attorney and accountant to ensure the deal is fair and legally binding.

Step 6: Close the Deal

Once you’ve agreed on the terms of the sale, it’s time to close the deal. This involves transferring ownership of your business to the buyer and finalizing all legal and financial details.


Selling your pest control business can be a complex process, but with the right knowledge and strategy, you can maximize your profits and find the right buyer. By valuing your assets and revenue, considering what matters to your buyer, and following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a successful sale. Remember to prepare your business for sale, determine your asking price, develop a marketing plan, screen potential buyers, negotiate the deal, and close the deal.

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